Single Flight RPC

by QuickNode
17Supported chains 2RPC Methods 1Plan
Starting at $38.00

Additional credit usage.
Add-on may consume additional plan credits when used.

This add-on bundles up multiple RPC calls into a single call so you don't have to iterate through blocks, transactions or receipts!

Single flight RPC implements retries in each request when needed, while allowing you to get the block and transaction information in only one call.

It conforms to the RPC spec and fulfills block traces faster than calling the RPC directly.

It supports returning all transactions in a block with a single call.

The qn_getBlockWithReceipts and qn_getReceipts requests each cost the chain default (see the API credits pricing page for more details), however they will each make additional requests to your endpoint which will use additional API credits.

For blockchains that support eth_getBlockReceipts:

- The qn_getReceipts method will make 1 call
- The qn_getBlockWithReceipts method will make 1 call

For blockchains that don’t support eth_getBlockReceipts:

- The qn_getReceipts method will make X number of eth_getTransactionReceipt calls, where X is the number of transactions in the block.
- The qn_getBlockWithReceipts method will make X number of eth_getTransactionReceipt calls, where X is the number of transactions in the block, and 1 additional call to eth_getBlockByNumber.


If method qn_getReceipts is called on Ethereum Mainnet, you will be charged 20 credit for the qn_getblockwithreceipts call, plus 20 credits for eth_getBlockReceipts.

Total credits used: 20 + 20 = 40.

If method qn_getBlockWithReceipts is called on Fantom Mainnet with a block that contains 50 transactions, you will be charged 20 credit for qn_getBlockWithReceipts, 20 credits for eth_getBlockByNumber, plus an additional 1000 credits for eth_getTransactionReceipts (50 calls * 20 credits).

Total credits used: 20 + 20 + (20*50) = 1040

RPC Methods


Supported Chains

Arbitrum Nova
BNB Smart Chain
Ethereum logo
Optimistic Ethereum
Polygon zkEVM

Published on Sep 20, 2022

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Plans & features

Pro - $38/month
  • Pro - $38/month
Enterprise Sales
Get blocks+ transactions in one request
With qn_getBlockWithReceipts you'll get a full block and every transaction with receipts in a single method call. With automatic retries and more.
Two new RPC methods
Save time and compute by using a single method to collect all receipts in a block. Use qn_getBlockWithReceipts and qn_getReceipts!
Multi-chain availability
Available for many different chains allowing you to get the most from your account.