Maximize transaction success, protect against MEV, save on costs, and ensure privacy for DeFi protocols, trading platforms, and high-value transactions.
Become a partnerby GasHawk
GasHawk makes living on-chain more efficient, safe, and secure, with a service that saves you up to 95% on transaction fees.
by Merkle
Improve the DeFi experience of your users by protecting them against MEV with guaranteed best inclusion and ordering. Recover MEV as revenue that can be split with users, perfect for Wallets and Telegram trading bots.
by QuickNode
A useful bundle of RPC methods for interacting with JITO via your existing QuickNode endpoint.
by Blink Labs
Enable the free add-on, enter your wallet address, and start getting cashback on your gas fees via monthly payouts from Blink while simultaneously protecting your transactions.
by Flashbots
Flashbots Protect RPC is an RPC endpoint that offers the benefits of bundles to single transactions: frontrunning protection and costless reverts.