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Gas Savings API

by GasHawk
Staff Pick
1Supported chain 4RPC Methods 1Plan
Starting from FREE
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Additional credit usage.
Add-on may consume additional plan credits when used.

GasHawk saves enterprises up to 95% on transaction fees through intelligent submission algorithms.

Simply connect your wallets to our SDK/API, set a time preference (seconds to hours) and we’ll hunt for the best possible execution. Save money by letting GasHawk decide when to broadcast your TX. GasHawk will find the best block to execute within your deadline.

When transactions are ready to be sent to the network, the add-on uses your QuickNode endpoint for transparency and monitoring using QuickNode endpoint metrics.

Getting Started

  1. Install the GasHawk add-on
  2. Start sending transactions using the gh_sendRawTransaction method as specified in the documentation
  3. Start saving immediately on transaction fees using GasHawk's proprietary algorithm
  4. QuickNode invoices you at the end of the month for 30% of your savings. You keep the remaining 70% of savings.

RPC Methods


Supported Chains

Ethereum logo

Published on Sep 12, 2024

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Plans & features

GasHawk: Win-Win - $0/month
  • GasHawk: Win-Win - $0/month
Enterprise Sales
Intelligent submission of TX
Save money by letting GasHawk decide when to broadcast your TX. GasHawk will find a cheap spot within your deadline.
Transactions finalized on QuickNode endpoint
When transactions are ready to be sent to the network, the add-on uses your QuickNode endpoint for transparency and monitoring using QuickNode endpoint metrics.
Compatible with other add-ons that overload eth_sendRawTransaction
Continue using other add-ons that overload eth_sendRawTransaction, like MEV Protection & Gas Recovery.