Upon successful subscription, navigate to the Graph Node Dashboard.
Step 1: On dashboard, you'll see a Node visible, corresponding to the node you purchased.If it is not visible, wait for few minutes after purchase and then refresh.
Step 2: Select the Node & Fill in the network details as per your requirement and clicking the "Deploy" button to initiate the activation process for the dedicated graph node.
Step 3: Upon successful activation, user will be directed to the graph node details screen. This dashboard provides comprehensive insights into the Node Details & its current Status (initialized, Live, Updating, Deleted) and functionality through various tabs:
General: This section displays key information about the Node, including its name, API key, created on, Deployed on statistics.
Status: This section displays the current status of the Node (initialized, Live, Updating, Deleted) & No. of subgraph contains within node.
Machine Configuration: This section displayed the machine Configuration.
Blockchain Networks: Display the list of created network under Node.
Analytics : This section provides real time monitoring and health status of the machine. You can check CPU, RAM and Storage utilization along with system Alerts in this section.
Step 5: Upon successful activation, the node setup will commence.
Step 6: Once the Node is successfully deployed then Node status will changed from “Initiated” to “Live” and you'll receive a notification for the same.
Step1: Once the Node is in ‘Live’ Status user can add any no. of ‘Hosted subgraph’ under node by clicking on “Add subgraph” button on the top right corner of the screen.
Step2: List of all the Created subgraph will be Displayed on the Node Dashboard.