Fetch detailed multichain NFT metadata, ownership, and transaction history, along with token contract metadata and cached NFT assets for fast rendering. Includes spam filtering. Useful for building NFT views in wallets, marketplaces and for token gating. Check docs for supported chains.
The GoldRush NFT API is an industry-leading solution providing cached NFT assets and metadata, along with sales history, ownership details, and trait and attribute filters. It includes advanced spam filtering on Ethereum and Polygon to ensure the accuracy and reliability of data.
Designed with performance in mind, the API offers links to multiple NFT asset sizes optimized for web and mobile applications, asset previews, and BlurHashes for seamless placeholders while image assets load. These features allow developers to create fast, dynamic, and visually rich NFT experiences.
Common use cases for the GoldRush NFT API include building NFT galleries, marketplaces, real-world asset (RWA) tracking, and token-gating solutions, providing the flexibility and power to support a wide range of NFT-driven applications.
Market Coverage
Supports 100+ chains, giving developers the broad multichain coverage they need to build NFT-focused applications like marketplaces, galleries, and community engagement platforms.
Data Richness
Fetch detailed NFT metadata, sales, floor price and volume details for collections, ownership information, and complete transaction histories, allowing developers to create dynamic NFT experiences, token gating, and rich NFT portfolios.
Reliability and Performance
Relied upon by top teams for its extensive multichain and cached NFT support, rapid integration of emerging standards, and enterprise-grade reliability, ensuring high performance in even the most demanding NFT applications.
Developer-Friendly Design
Available through TypeScript, Python, and Go SDKs, UI Kits with React components, and a standard REST API, making it simple for developers to integrate NFT data into their dapps.
Dedicated Support
Available on select plans and includes a dedicated Slack channel.
Getting Started
There are 3 primary developer tools for using the NFT API:
1. Unified API - enterprise-grade endpoints to use with any programming language. Switch blockchains with one path parameter.
curl -X GET https://api.covalenthq.com/v1/eth-mainnet/address/demo.eth/balances_nft/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
2. Client SDKs - official client libraries for TypeScript, Go and Python.
import { CovalentClient } from "@covalenthq/client-sdk";
(async () => {
const client = new CovalentClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
try {
const nfts = await client.NftService.getNftsForAddress("eth-mainnet", "demo.eth");
} catch (error) {
3. GoldRush Kit - beautifully designed React components for your dApp frontend
See the following links to our API Docs and Guides:
- API Docs: comprehensive knowledge base for all things Covalent
- Guides: learn how to build for various use cases and expand your onchain knowledge