Token and NFT API v2 bundle

by QuickNode
1Supported chain 11RPC Methods 1Plan
Starting from FREE

Get information about NFTs and ERC-20 Tokens via simple RPC request. Using these methods will cost 70 API credits per call.

Retrieving NFT metadata from the blockchain is tedious and time-consuming. Our NFT API does the heavy lifting for you, making the data you need searchable and accessible.

Our Token API lets you easily look up ERC-20 tokens by wallet or ENS name, token transfers, and token details instantly. No indexing required!

Using these methods will cost 70 API credits per call.

RPC Methods


Supported Chains

Ethereum logo

Published on Mar 3, 2023

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Plans & features

Base - $0/month
  • Base - $0/month
Enterprise Sales
Token Transactions
Fetch a detailed history of incoming and outgoing transfers of a particular token within a wallet.
Retrieve NFTs by Collection
Instantly access real-time data about all the NFTs within a collection, including traits and current owner with one simple API call.
Token Metadata
Easily retrieve details about an ERC-20 token. You can look up tokens by contract address or token symbol.
Verify an NFT Owner
Verify ownership regularly to prevent misrepresenting holders or granting gated access to the wrong user.
Token Balances
Quickly fetch ERC-20 tokens and their balances within a specified wallet by querying an address or ENS name. You can also send in an array of ERC-20 contract addresses with your request to limit balance results to specific tokens.
Fetch and Filter NFTs
Quickly fetch comprehensive data for any NFT project by contract address or look up NFTs within a wallet by querying an address or ENS name.