CoinGecko Price Feed Data

by Gecko Labs Pte. Ltd.
13Supported chains 1RPC Method 1Plan
Starting at $39.90

Get the latest price & market data of 10,000+ cryptocurrencies in any supported currencies that you need, powered by CoinGecko, the world’s largest independent crypto aggregator.

Other than the latest price, you can also receive the following data of all coins listed on CoinGecko: market cap, 24hour trading volume, and 24 hour price change percentage. The rate limit is 500 calls per minute, and 100,000 call credits per month.

RPC Methods


Supported Chains

Arbitrum Nova
BNB Smart Chain
Ethereum logo
Optimistic Ethereum

Published on Feb 22, 2023

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Plans & features

CoinGecko Live Price Feed Data - $40/month
  • CoinGecko Live Price Feed Data - $40/month
Enterprise Sales
All the Market Data you need
More than just aggregated price of a coin, you also get its market data like: market cap, 24 hour trading volume, and 24 hour price change percentage.
Accurate Live Crypto Prices of 10,000+ coins
CoinGecko crypto prices is aggregated from more than 600 centralised and decentralised exchanges.
Return Data in More than 50 Currencies
Choose to get your data return in top fiat currencies like USD, JPY, EUR, to cryptocurrencies like BTC, ETH.
Generous Rate Limit
Rate limit of 500 calls per minute, and 100,000 monthly call credit.