Smart Global RPC Load Balancer

by Backpac, Inc
10Supported chains 4Plans
Starting at $149.00

Additional credit usage.
Add-on may consume additional plan credits when used.

Attain web3 redundancy by distributing requests across multiple RPC Node Providers. Customize configurations for scalable and high-performance RPC requests, accessing a multitude of features using a single RPC endpoint, streamlining efficient blockchain interactions.

This Smart RPC Load Balancer simplifies regional load balancing for RPC-driven applications. Our simple and easy to use dashboard allows you to quickly add fault tolerance to your application in as few as 2 steps.

By directly offering reputable providers like QuickNode and your preferred custom RPC providers, we streamline the distribution of RPC requests across numerous nodes.

Our Smart RPC Load Balancer bolsters reliability by automatically routing requests to active RPC endpoints with the highest block height, ensuring uninterrupted service delivery. This proactive approach minimizes downtime, providing you with a dependable RPC workload experience.

Additionally, our load balancer optimizes regional distribution and caching based on blockchain block times, resulting in latency, efficiency and overall system performance.

Getting Started

You must login to the Backpac Dashboard to obtain a Backpac Endpoint and API Key

  • Provision multiple QuickNode endpoints of the same Blockchain Network.

These endpoints will be load balanced across. Each endpoint will be added to the default target group automatically.

  • Login into the Backpac dashboard to get an API Key and Backpac endpoint.

For QuickNode users, Backpac automatically configures two default application API Keys.

  • Example Endpoint:{APPAPIKEY}

  • Just start using the endpoint provided by Backpac for your RPC request.

The Backpac endpoint will load balance RPC request across the provisioned QuickNode endpoints.

  • (optional) Add additional RPC node provider endpoints.

Endpoint & API KEY

Application API Key
  • API KEY: The key to authenticate request.

  • HTTPS: The protocol of the endpoint.

  • HTTPS | API KEY: The application endpoint and API Key.

Create Blockchain Access Application Dialog


eth_getTransactionByHash Returns the information about a transaction from a transaction hash. Below is an example using a Backpac endpoint and application API Key.

var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json");

var raw = JSON.stringify({
  "method": "eth_getTransactionByHash",
  "params": [
  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0"

var requestOptions = {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: myHeaders,
  body: raw,
  redirect: 'follow'

fetch("{APP_API_KEY}", requestOptions)
  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(error => console.log('error', error));

API Key types:

  1. Direct: A primary endpoint with failover to a target group of multiple RPC Endpoints. **Best for the lowest latency. When you provision multiple QuickNode endpoints. They will be added to the default target group.

  2. Rules: The target group is selected based on the listener rules evaluated for the Blockchain Network. By default, only a direct rule is created.

Select an application to view the endpoint and API Key.

Blockchain Access Application

Supported Chains

BNB Smart Chain
Ethereum logo
Immutable zkEVM
Optimistic Ethereum

Published on Sep 15, 2023

Support Website Support Email

Plans & features

Redundancy - $149/month
  • Redundancy - $149/month
  • Velocity - $299/month
  • Throughput - $599/month
  • High Throughput - $1,199/month
Enterprise Sales
US Region
Efficiently distribute RPC requests across the United States to minimize latency for users making RPC requests.
Up to 100 Request /sec
Supports of up to 100 RPC requests per second and accommodates up to 5 Blockchain Network Application keys, offering robust performance and versatility for your blockchain applications.Support for up to 2 Blockchain Networks across Application keys.
Intelligent RPC Method Routing
Our intelligent RPC method routing system automates the selection of the right RPC node for specific calls, simplifying user configuration and enabling a single RPC endpoint for all blockchain interactions. It seamlessly matches requests with compatible RPC nodes, eliminating manual node selection, ensuring efficient execution, such as routing the "qn_fetchNFTCollectionDetails" RPC Method to "QuickNode."
Block Height Routing
Our load balancer employs intelligent routing, directing traffic to the RPC provider with the highest blockchain block height, enhancing the precision and dependability of blockchain services and applications by ensuring access to the most up-to-date data.
Latency-Reducing Smart Caching
Our smart caching system reduces RPC call latency in blockchain networks by intelligently caching results based on specific RPC methods and block times, optimizing performance.
Custom Load Balancer Target Groups
Efficiently manage RPC resources with custom target groups, distributing incoming traffic evenly among RPC nodes for scalability and performance optimization, enabling customized routing strategies and optimal load balancing.
Top RPC Providers
Select from a range of established and dependable providers, including QuickNode and other RPC providers, which are integrated for your convenience. This capability empowers you to make choices that align with your specific needs, ensuring access to trusted RPC providers to support your system's requirements.
Custom RPC Providers
Spread workloads across various RPC providers, alongside QuickNode. By diversifying the range of RPC endpoints available for load balancing, you gain increased flexibility and control over your system's performance, enabling you to tailor your RPC provider selection to your specific needs.
Operations Across RPC Node Providers
Seamlessly access an array of functionalities across various RPC node providers through a single RPC endpoint. Streamline your blockchain interactions with ease and harness the power of diverse features consolidated into one unified RPC endpoint.