

by GasHawk
1Supported chain 4RPC Methods 1Plan
Starting from FREE

Additional credit usage.
Add-on may consume additional plan credits when used.

This add-on is currently in Beta

Feel free to test it, we would appreciate feedback to address any errors that may occur

Define your transaction time frame and watch your Ethereum gas fees decrease.

GasHawk offers an innovative solution to a major challenge faced by institutions: high and volatile transaction fees. By monitoring the network and predicting the optimal time to submit a transaction in a given time frame, GasHawk can save institutions up to 95% on fees.

QuickNode reviews all TXs processed over a 30 day period and invoices for 30% of the total amount saved.

RPC Methods


Supported Chains

Ethereum logo

Published on Oct 31, 2023

Support Website Support Email

Plans & features

GasHawk basic - $0/month
  • GasHawk basic - $0/month
Enterprise Sales
Intelligent submission of TX
Save money by letting GasHawk decide when to broadcast your TX. GasHawk will find a cheap spot within your deadline.
Private Mempools
Submit your TX to private mempools instead of the public mempool in order to avoid frontrunning.