Visit the open-source repo on GitHub.
Install goldrush-kit using npm:
npm install @covalenthq/goldrush-kit
or yarn:
yarn add @covalenthq/goldrush-kit
Import GoldRushProvider:
import { GoldRushProvider } from "@covalenthq/goldrush-kit";
Wrap GoldRushProvider around the application.
Configure the provider and add it to the apikey props with your Covalent API key. You can register for a free key on Covalent's website.
<GoldRushProvider apikey="YOUR_API_KEY">{children </GoldRushProvider>
Add the stylesheet to your application.
import "@covalenthq/goldrush-kit/styles.css";
Add desired components. If you're using next.js versions ^13.0 and are using app router, make sure you have use client; at the top of the file to disable Next's server component modules. Visit GoldRush's component documentation for more information.
import { GoldRushProvider, NFTWalletTokenListView, TokenBalancesListView, TokenTransfersListView, AddressActivityListView, } from "@covalenthq/goldrush-kit";
GoldRush Templates
Wallet & Portfolio UI -
NFT Collection Gallery & Analytics UI -
Uniswap-like Analytics UI -
Transaction Receipt View -