
Address Audits

by QuickNode
1Supported chain 2RPC Methods 3Plans
Starting at $499.00

Additional credit usage.
Add-on may consume additional plan credits when used.

This add-on is currently in Beta

Feel free to test it, we would appreciate feedback to address any errors that may occur

Optimize your audit workflows, and download file with historical address activity.

This add-on allows an auditor to fetch historical wallet activity without having to parse through every block and transaction in the blockchain. It can be accessed via a simple search and download UI or API.

RPC Methods


Supported Chains

Ethereum logo

Published on Mar 7, 2024

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Plans & features

Starter - $499/month
  • Starter - $499/month
  • Pro - $999/month
  • Rocket - $2,000/month
Enterprise Sales
15 RPS
Up to 15 requests per second.
100,000 Requests Per Month
Up to 100,000 requests per month.
Get wallet address blockchain activity appearances
Ability to fetch the list of transactions for which the address "appeared" (i.e. had any activity) in the entire blockchain history.
Get transactions history for wallet address
Ability to fetch all historical transactions for a wallet address, and their details, for which the address had any activity.
Optimized workflows
Avoid having to pull data for every block and transaction to identify addresses activity, and get access to their blockchain history instantly.
User Interface To Generate Address Audits
Access to a user interface that allows you to enter the address you want to audit and view the results.
Downloadable CSV File with Transactions for Address
Adds the ability to generate a spreadsheet with all the transactions for an address.